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Family, wellbeing and a more fun Reykjanesbær

Bein leið is going to:

  • Make Reykjanesbær a more fun community for people of all ages and origin.

  • Reach the mandatory debt benchmarks by the year 2022.

  • Increase the incentive payments to 50 thousand krónur for children’s recognized sports, leisure and artwork.

  • Stand against further heavy industry polluting.

  • Conduct an independent analysis of the synergistic effect of pollution sources in Reykjanesbær.

  • Hire a primary prevention specialist.

  • Lower property taxes.

  • Work towards shortening the workweek.

  • Offer kindergarten/pre-school for children from 18 months old.

  • Continue to build and support a professional after-school leisure program.

  • Support the freedom and independence of teachers in elementary schools by calling for a shift in education practices. Offer more diverse education methods for children - not everyone fits into the same box.

  • Enable children to practice their sports during school hours, like the students of the Music school do.

  • train  during school hours, same way as music training is conducted now.  

  • Introduce children to music and instruments from early on, in pre-schools.

  • Hire an event manager for town events.

We are proud of:

  • Our work in completely reorganizing the town’s finances.

  • Our responsible fiscal policy.

  • Providing free study materials for all children in elementary schools.

  • Sibling discounts through all school-stages.

  • An 180% increase in incentive payments for children’s recognized sports, leisure and artwork.

  • Increased psychological support for children and young adults.

  • Hiring a multicultural specialist.

  • Hiring a professional mayor outside the political party system.

  • A new educational policy that was adopted and developed in cooperation with all interested residents of Reykjanesbær.

  • Supporting all uneducated pre-school employees who study Early Childhood Education at University.

  • Enlarging Háaleitisskóli, offering education from 1st to 10th grade.

  • Introducing vocational education as a part of the town-provided summer-jobs for teens.

  • Our part in increased road safety on Reykjanesbrautin, with new roundabouts.

​A more fun Reykjanesbær

We want:

  • To make the Sundmiðstöð/swimming pool building in Keflavík into an adventure world for children and their parents. Unused rooms in the building will become creative play-spaces for children where they can play freely with open-ended material and toys that foster creativity and physical activity. The Adventure World is a community centre where parents and children can spend quality time together.

  • Establish a Culture Centre in the area of Fishershús where several houses will be built. They will house a Multicultural Centre, the library, art-centers and a coffeehouse. In the middle there will be a lively square for pedestrians with trees and benches where everyone can enjoy sunny days.

  • Make the downtown area more beautiful by encouraging house owners of Hafnargata to paint their houses in colorful colors. A more colorful downtown would improve the appearance of the area and attract more tourists.

  • Invite artists to paint and make art on big empty walls in the town.

  • Build an outdoor recreational area above the Holt-neighborhood where the painted water tank is, similar to Kjarnarskógur in Akureyri. There will be trails for bikers and pedestrians, a picnic area, a playground for children with a climbing area, rope swings and balance logs.

  • Establish a Neighborhood-Fund. Neighborhood organizations could apply for grants to organize events such as a street BBQ, outdoor concerts, open-air markets and more.

  • Hire an event planner who would in cooperation with neighborhood organizations, NGOs, companies, sportsclubs and other institutions - offer a range of diverse events to strengthen the sense of community.

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